Stopping smoking may be the most important thing you can do for a healthy pregnancy, but it can sure be hard. I quit smoking myself (before I started trying to conceive) an it was a struggle. But, quitting smoking doesn't have to be as big a deal as the media make out of it these days, if your mind is made up. Here are a few things that might help you.
Identify your triggers. Some people most want a cigarette in the morning with their coffee (which you may want to give up as well when you are expecting a baby), others are social smokers, and then some smoke when they feel stressed. Whatever the case, knowing what situations most make you want to smoke will help you devise a strategy to stay off the cigarettes. If possible, don't watch other people smoke during the initial quitting process. Drink a glass of water when you feel like a cigarette. Or try lollipops, chewing gum, of sweets to satisfy oral needs. If some of what you like about smoking is having your hands busy, try having a stress ball, taking up knitting, or something else that will help you forget you don't have a cigarette in your hands. Think about your baby when you want to light up. Read articles about what smoking can do to a fetus. If your partner smokes, ask him to quit smoking together with you.
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