Many women who led busy lives before their baby was born slow down to stay at home, and care for their baby all day. That is quite an adjustment!
I remember when my first baby was born, and I felt compelled to stay at home with her during those first few days after giving birth. I gave birth at home, and then it was a frightening routine of changing diapers, breastfeeding, me having to pee (which hurt after tearing!!!).
At night, I was not sure how to soothe my crying baby. For someone who had been working right until she went into labor, it was quite a change. The one thing I missed most during the daytime was adult conversation, and I think that goes for most new mothers.
Here are some things that helped me get through the day without frustration and boredom:
Having a supply of good books next to my bed, so I could read something while my little baby napped. She'd only stay asleep if I were next to her, or she was on me. Having a laptop with internet. In those early days, parenting forums were nice to visit. Chatting with other new moms really helped me. Asking visitors over, and having an open-door policy. People often think that parents of newborns want peace and quiet, so you will have to explicitly mention you would love company. Sticking my baby in a good baby carrier and going out and about. Finding a work at home job! See tips for work-at-home mothers of small babies for more ideas.Good luck!
- Photo courtesy of David B. Gleason by Flickr:
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