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Medication for arthritis pain

Medication for arthritis pain

Medications for Arthritis Pain Arthritis is the medical condition caused by inflammation of joints in your body. Usually, it also affects the surrounding tissue, such as muscles, ligaments, and bones...

Five reasons to buy at second-hand stores

Five reasons to buy at second-hand stores

From children's clothes to big ticket items like strollers, second-hand or thrift stores can have a lot to offer to parents. Why would you want to buy used items? Here...

Tooth decay and heart disease

Tooth decay and heart disease

Your Tooth Decay May Be Deadly If you happen to have abscessed or decayed teeth which you are ignoring, you may want to think about this and visit the dentist...

Atlanta's anti-obesity campaign: unethical?

Atlanta's anti-obesity campaign: unethical?

Imagine you're an overweight child. You are probably made to feel bad by peers and others quite regularly. Now, imagine your picture appears in an ad campaign against child obesity...

Clear skin diet

Clear skin diet

When someone mentions a diet, everyone mostly think of the diets whose purpose is to achieve the weight loss. However, diets do have different goals, one of them being the...

Dealing with anxiety attack disorder

Dealing with anxiety attack disorder

Mental health issues come in many forms and many of them under the name Anxiety disorders. One of the mental health issues included in this group are the anxiety attacks, which...

Are you affected by social contagion?

Are you affected by social contagion?

The Poison Called Society Society can be contagious with some of its traits, sticking onto you until you are completely overwhelmed. Namely, negative people, negative viewpoints and many other  can...