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Motion sickness medication for kids

Motion sickness medication for kids

IntroductionIt often happens that kids who travel in a bus or a car andread a book at the same time, start feeling weird at some point in time, justas if...

What to know about calcium deficiency

What to know about calcium deficiency

Why is calcium so important?Calcium is one of the minerals that are absolutely necessary for a proper functioning of our organism, and for its proper development. There are numerous roles...

Do you know what Is lurking in your shampoo?

Do you know what Is lurking in your shampoo?

Many people simply do not pay attention to ingredients of numerous cosmetic products they use. It is normal that none of us has never stopped to investigate the ingredients of...

Causes of sleepwalking and its treatment

Causes of sleepwalking and its treatment

What exactly is sleepwalking and why does it occur?It is probably hard to find a person who has not heard of sleepwalking. The medical term for this type of sleep...

Breast benign nodule

Breast benign nodule

What are Benign Breast Lumps? During a breast self-exam it is possible to discover a lump. Although it requires immediate medical evaluation, you do not have to be terrified as...

The way you perform your workout program

The way you perform your workout program

Why is exercising important? There are numerous positiveeffects that create a healthy and strong body. Benefits include enhancement of the immune system and other systems in the organism(cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal...

Colon cancer early symptoms

Colon cancer early symptoms

What Is Cancer?Cancer is a group of diseases that begin with the body’s cells. There are more than 100 types of cancer but abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells is...

Visual hallucinations review

Visual hallucinations review

Hallucination is a false sensation of things that do not actually exist but can be heard, seen, smelled or felt. Visual hallucinations involve perception of things and events that are...