Why is exercising important? There are numerous positiveeffects that create a healthy and strong body. Benefits include enhancement of the immune system and other systems in the organism(cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal etc.), increased libido andenergy, reduced risk of getting affected by certain medical conditions and muchmore. Of course, there are also strong muscles, no extra fat and attractivebody, but this is all secondary next to a body able to withstand medicalproblems.
The way you perform your workout program is very important. Many people do exercises improperly and thatreduces the effect of the exercise, but not only that, it might lead to injury.For a workout to be proper, there aresome rules that have to be followed. For a start, stretching and warm up phasehas to be present all the time. This is essential because many problems inexercising may be avoided, among which are spasms, strains, cramps, even joint dislocation,muscle tearing and bone breaking. Body has to be warmed up and musclesstretched before anything else is started (for this part, usually jogging andaerobics are done).
When this is done, if workout is done for overall strengthincrease and weight reduction, then cardio workout should be combined withmuscle mass building. Cardio can be done with intensive spot jogging and this canbe done in several variations, depending on the condition of the practitioner.One of the more interesting and intensive exercises is high knee jump. This is basicjumping but not from a standing position. Starting position requires the torso bentforward slightly with straight spine and legs bent in knees, but hips are not lowerthan the knee level. From this position, the jump is performed. When torso is atpeak, knees have to be raised as high as possible.
After cardio, dumbbells may be used for increasing themuscle mass. Some sort of dumbbell shoulder press can be done, with rotatingarms along the way. The weight should be just enough that at least 6 reps maybe done. When this is done, the entire cyclecan be repeated. Then some cardio and strength building should be done.
For a proper workout, the body and mind have to be prepared, which meansthat muscles should be rested well enough, so that the maximum can be reached.Also, extremely intensive sessions should not be applied until the practitioneris far into the exercising process.
- www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/resistance-training-health-benefits
- www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/downloads/growing_stronger.pdf
- commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_ways._U.S._Steamer_Chattanooga._Hull_by_Cramp_%26_Sons,_machinery_by_Merrick_%26_Sons,_Philadelphia,_from_Robert_N._Dennis_collection_of_stereoscopic_views.j
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