Why is calcium so important?
Calcium is one of the minerals that are absolutely necessary for a proper functioning of our organism, and for its proper development. There are numerous roles of this mineral in various process of the human body, but what is most important is that without it, the bones and teeth would not be as strong as they are. Besides this, it plays a role in the process of blood clotting and in the process of muscle contraction. Having in mind the negative effects of calcium insufficiency, people should make sure that they take in enough of this mineral on daily basis. Natural sources that abound in it are milk, yogurt and various dairy products, broccoli, spinach, kidney beans and soy milk, but it might be wise to consider the use of the supplements and consult a doctor about this option as well. As far as the recommended dosages are concerned, babies who are not older than 6 months should have 210mg of calcium a day, while after the sixth month, the dosage increases for 60 mg. Until they turn 3 years, they should take in 500mg of calcium on daily basis, and from the age 4 until they are 8 the dosage increases for 300mg. The period of puberty requires at least 1300mg a day, while after it ends the recommended dosage is 1g.
Calcium deficiency and the main symptoms that indicate it
People who have insufficient levels of calcium in the blood suffer from the condition which is known as hypocalcaemia or calcium insufficiency, and as for the symptoms through which it manifests, they are really numerous and various, since calcium plays a role in a number of functions. However, those that are most common and the easiest to recognize refer to pale skin, muscle aches and feeling of tiredness, which is why these people usually leave impression that they are lazy.
This happens when a person does not take in enough calcium through food or through supplements, or when the body is unable to absorb necessary amounts of this mineral due to some problem. Babies can be born with this problem, and it might leave serious negative effects on their growth and development of their bones and teeth. It is much easier to treat this condition and heal it when the symptoms are detected at the beginning, because otherwise, some serious health problems might emerge and the condition itself will not be so harmless. It is well known that osteoporosis and rickets are closely related to calcium deficiency, but chronic calcium deficiency is also more difficult to treat.
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