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The problem with belly fat is that it just might be the mostobvious sign of obesity, especially in men. Actually, the abdominal area has moreaffinity to absorb extra fat and store it as tissue, which might be neededlater. Another thing here is that the intestines widen up because of overeatingand that also increases the belly. So, how to increase your metabolism and getrid of belly fat?


Even though there are exercises and many various activitiesthat do not exhaust the body too much and reduce the weight without muchsweating, there is no real effect without a lot of effort put in the trainingsession. This is especially important if a person wants to eliminate the fattissue as fast as possible. For example, if weight lifting is done, people saythat the last rep in a set, the rep that requires the most out of a practitioneris creating the most effect, it requires the most energy.

This theory can be applied to cardio workout, since another milewhile jogging when the body is already very tired will be greatly beneficial.Of course, a person has to be careful, to drink water for preventing the dehydration.

A choice

What exercises need to be done for reducing the bellyfat? Crunches, of course, are at the top of the list. This is an exercise that affects the abdominal musclesdirectly and that will definitely reduce the belly fat. Beside crunches, there aresit ups and leg raising. Crunches are most effective because they affect almostthe entire abdominal region (except for side abs – love handles). Crunches areperformed with a person lying on the back. Legs can be stretched on the floorbut also bent in knees. Arms might be set aside torso, or crossed over chest.Arms can be also positioned back with fingers crossed behind the neck (the hardestvariation). From this position, the torso and legs are raised to each other as closeas possible – and back. This exercise has many variations, the torso can leantowards left and right side alternately, the exercise can be performed fast or slow, the distance between the chest and torso can be changed etc. It is obvious that there aremany variations and performing most of them will affect the entire abdomen.

It is important to perform exercises like jogging, aerobics and similar, since these exercises activate the entire body and that is a great thing when itcomes to the metabolism of the body. Simply speaking, cardio should burn morecalories than any other workout type.

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