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Importance of breakfast for weight loss

Importance of breakfast for weight loss

Importance of breakfast for weight loss Everybody agrees that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast gives the energy that is needed to make it through the...

Swollen ankles in pregnancy

Swollen ankles in pregnancy

Every expecting mother, along with enjoying in her blessed state, must cope with many discomforts during the nine months of pregnancy. Apart from morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, mood swings, which...

Nervous breakdown recovery

Nervous breakdown recovery

When Too Much is Too MuchYou have probably heard of a notion of nervous breakdown. This stands for a situation where an individual reaches the very end of his/her nervous...

Colon cancer survival rates

Colon cancer survival rates

Statistics andinsightsFor those people whodid not go too much in detail when it comes to statistics and rates in general, they need toknow that the survival rate refers to the...

Tapeworms in humans treatment

Tapeworms in humans treatment

Introduction to TapewormsTapeworms are intestinal parasites. They are members of the worm group called cestodes. The adult worms live in the digestive tract of vertebrates. Apart from affecting humans, tapeworms...

Ulnar nerve surgery

Ulnar nerve surgery

Ulnar Nerve Surgery - Why is it Done?The ulnar nerve is the nerve in charge with innervation of the skin (the little finger and half of the ring finger) and...

About arnica tablets

About arnica tablets

ArnicaMontana is the plant also known as mountain tobacco or leopard’s bane. The plantbelongs to the sunflower family, and when fully developed it can be about twofeet high. Flowers of...

Polio is eradicated from Europe

Polio is eradicated from Europe

Polio is a viral infectious disease spread from person to person, usually by the fecal-oral route. The disease is also known under the name poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis. This infection...