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Calories in peach

Calories in peach

PeachIn the following text, we will see which nutritional characteristics this fruithas. This fruit comes from Persia and it can be white, pink, yellow and red incolor. Prunus is its...

Early symptoms of scleroderma

Early symptoms of scleroderma

Scleroderma is a rare but progressive chronic systemic autoimmune disease that is distinguished by fibrosis, vascular alterations and autoantibodies. Scleroderma is a rare but progressive chronicsystemic autoimmune disease that is...

Calcium deposits under skin

Calcium deposits under skin

Calcium deposits may occur in many organs and organ systems including the skin. The condition in which calcium deposits occur in a variety of soft tissues is known as calcinosis...

Oily skin cure

Oily skin cure

Many people have oily skin, and they know that this type of skin sometimes carries many problems, from too much shine and an unclean look to enlarged pores and susceptibility...

Cottage cheese nutrition facts

Cottage cheese nutrition facts

Information on Cottage CheeseCottage cheese is perhaps one of the most delicious ways aperson can garnish virtually any type of food. Cottage cheese is also verypopular among bodybuilders because it...

Exercising while pregnant

Exercising while pregnant

There are many myths or old wives’ tales about pregnancy, and one of them is that pregnant women should not exercise, as it may cause damage to the baby, birth...

Body toning exercises for men

Body toning exercises for men

When it comes to exercising, only one thing is actually desired, a perfect and attractive body. This is something that cannot be done over night,or in a matter of weeks...

Facts about dysphagia in children

Facts about dysphagia in children

The process of swallowing is rather complex. It includes approximately 50 pairs of muscles and nerves. Swallowing includes several phases, oral preparatory and transport phase, pharyngeal phase and finally, esophageal...

Importance of vitamin C

Importance of vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that the human body doesn't have the ability to store. Because of this, vitamin C should be a part of your daily diet. The...