Endometriosis can strike in different degrees for different women, and the chances of conceiving naturally will vary in accordance with how prevalent it is in a specific case. Those who have mild to moderate endometriosis and no other fertility issues have a 30 to 60 percent chance of getting pregnant within two years of completing the appropriate endometriosis treatment as agreed on with their doctor.
More severe cases of endo also mean a lesser chance of conceiving. It is possible to have the incorrectly placed endometrial tissue removed in a laparascopic operation, with the use of laser. This increased your chances of conceiving, but mostly in the first year following the procedure because endometriosis has a way of growing back again later on. This procedure will leave you with around a 40 percent chance of conceiving. If you are interested, you discuss this option with your doctor or fertility clinic.
Depending on the severity of your endometriosis, your healthcare team could suggest improving your chances of getting pregnant with the use of fertility drugs like Clomid, or assisted fertility techniques such as invitro fertilization. Because everybody's circumstances will be different and your chances of getting pregnant depend on where the growths are, and how heavy there are, it is important to discuss all these things with your doctor before you start trying to conceive a baby.
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