How is preeclampsia treated
There are not that many people who have never heard of preeclampsia. Almost every woman who ever considered getting pregnant made sure that she learns as much as she can...

Exercise for children with diabetes
Nowadays, there are a lot of children who suffer from diabetes. Parents need to know that even though their child suffers from it, he or she can still normally take...

EBV: Epstein-Barr virus test
Epstein-Barr virus is a member of the herpes family and the culprit of infectious mononucleosis, an infectious disease that may range from mild flu-like forms to rather severe infection that...

Exercise for children fitness
Regular physical exercise is one of the major parts of a healthy lifestyle. Being physically active is very important in every stage of life. Physical exercise is also important for...

Exercise for children for ADHD
ADHD, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a developmental disorder that affects about 3 to 5 percent of children all around the world. This is a chronic disorder...

Chronic genital itching
Numerous factors can lead to genital itching. Namely, irritation, inflammation, infections, allergies or cancer, all can trigger this annoying and frightening sensation. Even though there are many causes which can...

Endometrial cancer diagnosis
Endometrial cancer is a malignant tumor predominantly affecting older women, most commonly those who have entered menopause. It stems from endometrial cells, those lining the inside of the uterus. Another...

Ovarian cyst medications do not work in the long run
In most cases, ovarian cysts disappear on their own without any need for some radical intervention. Medications, which can, alternatively, be prescribed for these purposes, are capable of triggering pain...

Fun exercise for children
Exercising is healthy. Therefore, it is a well known fact that children who exercise on a regular basis have stronger bones, less accumulated body fat and are more resistant to...

Fatherhood and careers
Fatherhood and motherhood seem to affect careers differently. Namely, pregnancy and motherhood are negatively accepted by companies, and many women who decide to have children, or those who already have...