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What is precocious puberty

What is precocious puberty

Puberty is a known to be a part of transition from being a child to being a young man or a young woman. Naturally, it is the time of numerous...

Erectyle disfunction in men from diabetes

Erectyle disfunction in men from diabetes

One of the health problems which havethe greatest impact on the male part of the population is erectiledysfunction. Namely, while the libido of most men decreases with age,failing to achieve...

Upper body exercise for children

Upper body exercise for children

It is a scientifically proven fact that strength training can be an excellent and fun way of building healthy bones, joints and muscles in children. The program just needs to...

Fatherhood and Buddhism

Fatherhood and Buddhism

Fatherhood and motherhood are quite glorified in Buddhism. Namely, Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism teaches that children should be grateful for the support and love they have received from...

Most common causes of Nocturnal enuresis

Most common causes of Nocturnal enuresis

Nocturnal Enuresis or BedwettingBedwetting is one of the most common childhood complaintsand it is actually the most frequent urological complaint among kids. It ismedically referred to as nocturnal enuresis and...

Acupuncture during pregnancy

Acupuncture during pregnancy

Greatest joy but with minor downfallsThough commonly regarded as possibly the most joyous moment in a person’s life, pregnancy comes with quite a lot of sacrifice, including the need to...

Prevention of juvenile diabetes

Prevention of juvenile diabetes

Most people know juvenile diabetes by the name of type 1 diabetes. A person who suffers from juvenile diabetes has a disordered metabolism and a high blood glucose levels mainly...

Breathing exercise for children

Breathing exercise for children

Breathing exercises are great way to get a relief from stress and induce some easy relaxation. Children can also greatly benefit from some easy and fun breathing exercises and thus...