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Parenting twins facts

Parenting twins facts

Bringing up twins is much harder a task than parenting children who were born one before or after another. Namely, twins do look alike and may even resemble each other...

To fatherhood and beyond

To fatherhood and beyond

Once you are about to become a father, you are entering a process of numerous changes, both emotional and behavioral, sometimes even without being aware of these. Thus, you need...

Dyslexia for parents

Dyslexia for parents

When children start learning how to read and write, they first develop their phonetic awareness, grasping the notion of sounds forming larger groups called words. Later, they connect the sounds...

The best thing about being a father

The best thing about being a father

Being a father is, as many people claim, one of the greatest pleasures of living. Namely, some fathers say that the best thing a dad can look forward in the...

Erectile dysfunction reversible

Erectile dysfunction reversible

Erectile dysfunction is one of the most unpleasant health problems affecting men. It is defined as a type of sexual dysfunction characterized by inability to achieve and maintain an erection...

Teenage smoking: Facts and statistics

Teenage smoking: Facts and statistics

What is Tobacco?Tobacco is a very toxic poison which causes addiction andleads to development of various different types of serious medicalconditions. It is widely known fact that cigarettes and other...

Erectile dysfunction risk factors

Erectile dysfunction risk factors

Erectile dysfunction is something that can be an occasional and temporary problem or a long-term or chronic problem regarding the ability to achieve and maintain erection.Having problems with erection from...

Erectile dysfunction yoga treatment

Erectile dysfunction yoga treatment

Erectile dysfunction is one of the most unpleasant health problems affecting men. It is also known as male impotence and described as a type of sexual dysfunction in which a...

Estrogen for osteoporosis

Estrogen for osteoporosis

Women approaching menopause as well as women who have already entered menopause have low levels of estrogen in their bodies. The effects of such hormonal imbalance affect the entire body...