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During the first trimester of pregnancy, light bleeding or spotting is not all that uncommon. It is understandable that any bleeding causes great worry for any pregnant woman though, because it is a symptom that is closely associated with miscarriage. If you are newly pregnant and are experiencing spotting after intercourse, that is something that can be enormously scary. But what is the true meaning of early pregnancy spotting after intercourse, and do you need to be alarmed?

Before you worry yourself too much about any bleeding in early pregnancy, I would like to tell you that as much as 20 to 30 percent of all pregnant women report some extent of bleeding or spotting. The majority of ladies in this group go on to have perfectly healthy pregnancies and babies. Bleeding in early pregnancy can be a symptom of miscarriage, but this certainly does not have to be the case. Bleeding immediately following intercourse is almost always caused by an overly sensitive cervix. Your cervix is undergoing many changes during this time, and it is not uncommon for it to react by bleeding when it comes into contact with any object. Cervical bleeding can be worrying, and even painful, but it is not linked to miscarriage in any way. So, what s a woman to do in such circumstances?

Staying calm and realizing that your spotting is most likely due to cervical irritations is probably a good place to start panic never did anyone any good! Seeing your doctor to find out what is going on is a good second step. If your bleeding is caused by a sensitive cervix, your doctor is bound to suggest that you abstain from intercourse for a certain amount of time, to avoid any further spotting. If your bleeding is caused by the onset of a miscarriage, you will soon notice additional symptoms such as abdominal pain and cramping, and the blood flow will increase significantly. Make sure to use menstrual pads to find out if there are any clots among the blood you pass, and keep them if you do notice clots. This can help your doctor determine what has triggered your bleeding.

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