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Information about electrocardiogram

Information about electrocardiogram

Electrocardiogram, also known as ECG or ECG, is diagnostic tool used to measure and record electrical activity of the heart. The word is derived from Greek cardio, for heart, and...

Enuresis and drugs

Enuresis and drugs

Enuresis is a rather embarrassing condition predominantly affecting children, even though it may affect adults as well.In children the problem basically occurs at night and after the child has established...

Dry skin with HRT

Dry skin with HRT

IntroductionMenopause is, along with the first menstrual period and with pregnancy, one of the key points in a woman’s reproductive life. It is characterized by permanent cessation of menstrual periods...

About electrocardiogram risks

About electrocardiogram risks

Electrocardiogram is a special test which scans the heart for any irregular electrical activity. The heart's electrical activity is converted into lines, spikes and dips called waves. The EKG picture...

Enuresis for children

Enuresis for children

The bladder is an organ which stores urine and voids it irregularly. Children do not automatically possess the control over their bladder and they have to learn how to do...

Dry skin hyperpigmentation

Dry skin hyperpigmentation

Even the most careful individuals who use sunscreen lotions and cosmetic products of best quality will eventually have to face certain skin changes. Changes in skin pigmentation are common for...

Vascular diseases of the brain

Vascular diseases of the brain

Vascular diseases affecting the brain are known under the name cerebrovascular diseases. Many blood vessels of the brain may be affected with different changes and various conditions. Vascular Problems in...