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About eczema cure

About eczema cure

Eczema is a common non-contagious skin condition and a type of skin inflammation (dermatitis). Most patients suffering from eczema are actually dealing with atopic dermatitis (one of many forms of...

Therapy for inner ear

Therapy for inner ear

Labyrinthitis is the term that refers to inflammation of the inner ear, to be more precise inflammation of the labyrinth. This medical condition typically leads to problems with balance and...

Nocturnal enuresis causes

Nocturnal enuresis causes

Enuresis is the medical term for not being capable of holding urine. Thus, this condition results in involuntary urination. There are two types of this condition, one is called diurnal...

Treatments for spinal cord injuries

Treatments for spinal cord injuries

A spinal cord injury or SCI is an injury to the spinal cord which occurred due to a trauma and not due to some disease. There are lots of possible...

Deep brain stimulation for depression

Deep brain stimulation for depression

Depression is one of the most common psychological problems that people around the world experience. However, this does not mean that this is a problem which can be neglected or...

Eczema cures for children

Eczema cures for children

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a common but frustrating skin condition that can affect both children and adults. There is no specific cure for eczema but there are measures that...

Therapy for impetigo

Therapy for impetigo

Impetigo represents a skin condition that develops after penetration of certain bacteria into the skin through cuts or insect bites. Impetigo may also develop in people whose skin is practically...

Voluntary enuresis causes

Voluntary enuresis causes

Enuresis is a medical term used for the condition most people refer to as bedwetting. The most common type of this medical condition is nocturnal enuresis, in which a child...

How can symptoms help with dystonia diagnosis

How can symptoms help with dystonia diagnosis

Dystonia is a condition which manifests through involuntary movement and contractions of muscles, forcing the body of the sufferer into taking unusual and strange postures. So far, dystonia has not...