Multiple chemical sensitivity or MCS is not a thing that every person knows about or has at least heard of. People need to know that multiple chemical sensitivity is a chronic condition and that the signs of it appear reproducibly. These symptoms usually occur when a person is exposed to low levels of more than one unrelated chemical. Diagnosing and Treating MCS
People should know that there are a lot of signs of multiple chemical sensitivity but it is quite common that a person constantly experiences the same ones. Before a person is diagnosed with MCS, the doctor will need to rule out all the other conditions which are connected with these signs that the patient is experiencing. It is not uncommon that a person suspects of multiple chemical sensitivity but is actually suffering from some other condition like true allergy, thyroid disorders, orthostatic syndromes, anxiety or depression. If that is the case, a person will need to treat these conditions first.
Probably the best way to determine that a person is suffering from MCS is to use the “gold standard” procedure. This procedure means that a person will be introduced with random chemicals which he or she suspects of being the ones that are causing the symptoms. Some of the most commonly used are scented soaps and dryer sheets. A person will not know when the chemicals and controls will be introduced as it is better that there is no pattern and it is done randomly. When they are given, the patient will be measured for his or her responses. Both objective and subjective responses will be measured. Certain objective measures like galvanic skin response or electrodermal response point to psychological arousal like fear, anxiety and anger. On the other hand, subjective responses include the self-reports of the patient.
When treatment is considered, it is important that the already existing conditions are treated first. Almost 50% of all patients with the signs of multiple chemical sensitivity are eligible for the treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders. There was a case when an elderly man who was diagnosed with MCS was given antidepressants and showed excellent improvement. Psychotherapy is also an important part of the treatment process of multiple chemical sensitivity.
Introducing certain lifestyle changes is considered to be very helpful for people who are diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivity. People who are diagnosed with MCS need to be living in a space where there are not chemicals. It is also very important that these people avoid chemicals every way they can. Prayer and meditation seemed to help some people and doctors will recommend them to the patients with MCS.
A lot of people believe that Zoloft will help them if they suffer from MCS but the data claims that 65% of all the patients who used this medication claimed that it provided more harm than good. Other possible treatment options include avoiding the things that provoke the symptoms and a healthier diet. People need to consume those nutrients which will free the body of toxins. Triggers of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
People need to know that there are a lot of triggers which can cause the symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivity to occur. This is one of the main reasons why it is so hard for people to avoid them completely. The list of triggers includes not only the triggers which are known to be the cause of the onset of symptoms but the possible triggers as well. Some of the well known triggers include things like air pollution, air purifiers, autism, asbestosis, allergies, asthma, atopic eczema, aluminum, antibiotics, anti-depressants, aromatherapy, acupuncture, bacteria, breathing problems, alcohol, body care products, batteries, boilers, crystals, cosmetics, chemicals, cleanliness, caffeine, clean air and carbon monoxide. Apart from all these triggers people should know that there are plenty more, such as detergents, dandruff, environmental illness, food intolerance, food additives, fungi, gas, glue, heavy metals, herbicides, inks, lead, nickel and many more.
Prevalence and Mortality
The data shows that there are not that many people who are affected by this disorder. However, it shows that it is not that uncommon either. According to the data, 2% of people suffer from it in New Mexico, almost 4% in North Carolina and a little bit above 6% in the state of California.
The data also states that 4% of all citizens are disabled by this condition. 16% of all people claim that they are unusually sensitive to the everyday chemicals.
The data in Australia claims that almost 1% of all people are diagnosed with this condition but almost 17% are suffering from chemical sensitivity. When mortality is considered, the experts claim that humans, animals and insects can all die if they are exposed to the lethal dose of toxic substance. Cancer is a possibility in cases where a person is exposed to low-level toxins for a long period of time.
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