Compression fracture treatment
Compressionfractures represent a specific type of fractures affecting the spine (to bemore precise vertebra or vertebrae). As a result of the fracture the affectedvertebra/vertebrae collapses and compresses the spinal cord...

Eczema cured by chinese medicine
Eczema or dermatitis is an inflammatory problem of the skin, known for dry and itchy skin (in milder forms). However, more severe cases of eczema may also lead to bleeding...

Enuresis and diet
Bed-wetting at night is a fairly common occurrence among children and it is a cause of frustration to a large number of parents everywhere around the world. There are certain...

10 different types of personality disorder
As far as real personality disorders are concerned, they are classified according to the Axis II of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DSM-IV-TR of the American...

Disorder circulatory system
Part of the herpesvirus family, the Epstein-Barr virus is common throughout the world. Around ninety five per cent of adults have antibodies that fight against the virus, and most of...

Enuresis during sleep
Sleep enuresis is a condition more commonly known as bed-wetting. Patients suffering from this problem cannot control their bladder during the sleep and wet themselves. Because of that, some doctors...

Causes of conjunctivitis in childhood
Conjunctivitis is an eye disease characterized by the inflammation of the retina. The inflammation is usually due to an infection or an allergy. Infectious conjunctivitis is often contagious and easily...

Dry skin hurts
Many factors can possibly lead to dry skin affecting certain parts of our body. Namely, dry skin may stem from environmental factors such as abrupt changes in temperature, which can...

Symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivity
There are not that many people who have never heard of multiple chemical sensitivity. It is important that people get to know that many things are known to cause the...

Cholecystectomy: A procedure for abdominal pain
Cholecystectomy is a surgical procedure during which the gallbladder, a tiny organ located below the liver is removed. The main function of this organ is to collect and store bile...