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Eye disease caused by diabetes

Eye disease caused by diabetes

Diabetes is the main cause of blindness in individuals aging from 20 to 74. Keeping this fact in mind, if you happen to suffer from diabetes, you are advised to...

Dwarfism growth hormone treatment

Dwarfism growth hormone treatment

Growth hormone deficiency, also known as dwarfism, is a disorder characterized by short height in childhood due to lack of this hormone. The hormone is of major importance for growth...

Esophageal cancer information

Esophageal cancer information

The esophagus runs from the throat to the stomach, connecting these organs and carrying the food which is to be digested. Esophageal cancer can appear in any part of the...

What you should know about Polycystic kidney disease

What you should know about Polycystic kidney disease

Definition of Polycystic kidney diseasePolycystic kidney disease is a medical condition characterized by formation of cysts that affect normal appearance of the kidney and may even interfere with the function...

Sigmoidoscopy for irritable bowel syndrome

Sigmoidoscopy for irritable bowel syndrome

Sigmoidoscopy is a certain type of medical examination which allows the doctor to look inside the lower part of the bowel. The procedure itself is not associated with any painful...

Frontal lobe epilepsy: Seizures of the brain

Frontal lobe epilepsy: Seizures of the brain

What is Frontal Lobe Epilepsy?When repeated seizures occur in the frontal lobes they are considered frontal lobe epilepsy. Frontal lobe seizures usually take place during sleep. Frontal and temporal lobe...

Nasal relief: Nasal irrigation treatment

Nasal relief: Nasal irrigation treatment

Nasal irrigation is the process where the nasal cavity is cleared of all the excess mucus and debris from the nose and sinuses. This personal hygiene practice is otherwise known...

Therapy for pinched nerve in shoulder

Therapy for pinched nerve in shoulder

If a person suffers from a trapped nerve in the shoulder it is a medical condition commonly characterized extremely painful sensations. This medical condition may sometimes even lead to complete...

Eye disease conjunctivitis

Eye disease conjunctivitis

Subconjunctival hemorrhage is a condition characterized by accumulation of blood under the conjunctive. It happens due to broken capillaries. This is generally not a serious health issue and most commonly...

About flu fatigue

About flu fatigue

Flu is a condition triggered by the influenza virus, once it takes its toll on our body. The whole illness may differ in manifestation and symptoms, depending on the severity...