Flu is a condition triggered by the influenza virus, once it takes its toll on our body. The whole illness may differ in manifestation and symptoms, depending on the severity of the condition and many other factors. Thus, while many many go through a mild flu with coughing, having a bit of a fever and a runny nose, others may develop conditions such as pneumonia or experience some life-threatening health complications.
However, one of the most common traits of flu is the fatigue and the lack of strength and energy that people experience once the virus starts to have its way with our health. Moreover, the flu fatigue can also be a term used for the effect flu has on our health after we have managed to overcome it.
The Flu Seasons
In recent times, there have been many cases of mutated flu virus, being resistant to common treatment method, spreading from one person to another, leading to epidemics or even pandemics. According to various researches conducted, during the swine flu season from 2009 to 2010 about 29.7 people of African descent needed hospitalization due to flu symptoms in the US. On the other hand, white Americans had less frequent occurrences of this type, with 16.3 hospitalized individuals per 100,000 people.
However, African Americans went through vaccination against this virus in a lower number when compared to the Hispanic and the white. Basically, there was a 9.8% difference recorded between African Americans and the whites, as far as adults are concerned.
Taking into consideration that vaccination is the best possible way of preventing the flu epidemics and evolution, all people are advised to take the necessary preventive measures.
Flu Taking Lives
Not all Americans seem to notice the importance of vaccination, due to the fact that 3,000 to 49,000 of these people die every year due to flu-related complications, according to the data collected from 1976 to 2007. This results in lost lives, great medical expenses and a decline in possible earnings on the level of a country.
Basically, according to Jeffrey Levi, the executive director of TFAH, there are two paths America can take, regarding the flu, maintaining the highly destructive status quo or taking measures to protect the citizens from all the dangers this virus can trigger. Namely, through mutual efforts, the country has great chances of protecting itself even against possible virus mutations which are expected to appear in the future.
During the last flu season, when the pandemic proportions of the flu expansion have been recorded, 44% of all children received the vaccines. However, due to the lack of adequate availability of the shots, the people were not capable of protecting themselves on time, leading to an outbreak of flu which struck the US in 2009 and 2010.
All in all, many times, the flu fatigue is deadly and serious health problem. Thus, there is plenty of room for change. However, we need to change first.
How To Fight the Flu in the Future
Educating people about the necessity of vaccinations and the global importance of proper immunization is crucial. Additionally, involvement of minority groups should take place, spreading these life-giving pieces of information throughout the country. Of course, in order for real improvements to be made, the vaccines need to be made available for all, even those who lack proper health insurance and access to medical care.
Also, bearing in mind that during the last pandemics only 62% of all health care workers got vaccinated, this needs to be changed too. After all, not many people will be willing to believe into the positive sides of vaccines which those who administer them avoid.
Even though the H1N1 pandemic was described as mild, it had a catastrophic impact on the US, with about 60 million people being infected and 274,000 hospitalized. Moreover, 12,000 individuals have not survived the pandemics.
The fight against flu costs a lot of money, but ignoring the need for protecting yourself costs the state economy even more. Due to the effects of the outbreak of H1N1, more than 23,000 of people lost their jobs.
In general, many factors need to be changed in order to prevent the devastating effects of future flu pandemics. Well-designed plans need to be developed, being completely fail-proof, from a scientific point of view. School closings, work absence, sick leave and many other steps of this type may be necessary to keep the flu isolated and treated on time. Moreover, countries will need to work together and allow all the necessary information about vaccination to reach the citizens. Finally, the citizens themselves will need to have all the best medical equipment and flu treatments available, wherever they are.
To sum up, the flu fatigue of modern times does not end with a mere pain in the muscles, a runny nose and a bad mood. Rather, it is a much more serious condition which takes the lives of many annually. Therefore, we need a good flu prevention plan which will keep us prepared for all the possible pandemics in the future, making sure that we are all protected, not just on a country or state level, but on a global scale.
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