Homeopathic remedy for tendonitis
Tendonitis as a Phenomenon The medical issue we are addressing here is called tendonitis, and it represents the inflammation of the tendons, which is the situation where the tissue that...

Homeopathic remedy for herniated disc
Standard treatments for cases of a herniated disk, sciatica, lower back pain, or bulging disk are relatively limited; you can do special sets of exercises designed to strengthen your back...

Homeopathic remedy for multiple sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is a very serious disease in which the protective myelin sheath that covers the nerve cells is destroyed by the immune system of the body. Thus...

Homeopathic remedy for nose bleeds
Nose Bleeds - Overview The nose is a part of the body loaded with blood vessels, so it may be prone to bleeding. When one has nose bleeds, it usually...

Homeopathic remedy for loss of appetite
Description Not feeling hungry doesn’t sound like a big problem, and a lot of people are very likely to neglect this fact, which is, actually, a disorder. The chronic lack...

Homeopathic remedy for hiatal hernia
Hiatal Hernia Hiatal hernia is the medical term for the condition marked by the upward push-up of the diaphragm by the stomach. The hiatus is the small opening on the...

Head cold homeopathic remedy
Viral infection that places itself in the mucus membranes of the nose is called head cold. Head cold is very common in the winter months and is also called common...

Homeopathic remedy for dust mite allergy
Allergies Allergies are enhanced reactions to certain substances in our environment, called allergens. Our body mistakenly takes them for bacteria and attacks them, producing symptoms called allergic reactions. Fevers, watery...

Aromatherapy of Rome - a perfect way to relax
Information on Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is slowly becoming one of the most populartypes of alternative medicine. It is also one of the most efficient ways ofproviding relaxation to people of...

Homeopathic remedy for giardia
What is Giardia? Giardia or giardiasis is the medical term for the infection of the intestines, which is characterized by watery diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, and bloating. This type of...