Standard treatments for cases of a herniated disk, sciatica, lower back pain, or bulging disk are relatively limited; you can do special sets of exercises designed to strengthen your back, rest regularly, apply heat or cold in cases of back pain or take some of the pain killer drugs.
Alternative Therapies
But there are several alternative therapies for lower back pain like spinal or chiropractic manipulation (which is effective for cases of acute low back pain but not for sciatica), yoga, and breathing exercises (which may relieve the low back pain), acupuncture (which is traditional Chinese healing technique where thin needles are inserted in a specific point in the body, and which can provide short term relief in cases of low back pain) and massage (which can be combined with aromatherapy essential oils to provide pain relief).

Home and Homeopathic Remedies for Back Pain and Herniated Disk Problems
Besides alternative therapies there are alternative treatments for herniated disk and other similar back pain problems. In the case of homeopathic remedies, they should be combined with exercises to provide you with the best results. Homeopathy is an excellent alternative to medicaments, it has no side effects, and it is safe and cheap to use. Just make sure that before you start using any of the homeopathic remedies, you consult your doctor or homeopathic expert for instructions about which remedy to choose, how to use it, dosages, etc.
- Diagnoses (ICD-9) and symptoms with severity, health-related quality of life (QoL), medical history, consultations, homeopathic and conventional treatments, and other health service use were recorded.
- One hundred twenty-nine adults (64.3% women, mean age 43.6 +/- 12.7 y) were treated by 48 physicians. The patients mainly had chronic low back pain (average duration 9.6 +/- 9.0 y) and other chronic diseases.
- Nearly all the patients (91.3%) had been pretreated. The initial case-taking took 113 +/- 36, and the case analysis took 31 +/- 38 minutes. The 7.4 +/- 8.1 subsequent consultations (duration: 23.7 +/- 15.2 min) cumulated to 204.5 +/- 184.6 minutes. The patients received an average of 6.8 +/- 6.3 homeopathic prescriptions.
- The severity of the diagnoses and complaints showed marked and sustained improvements with large effect sizes (Cohen's d from 1.67 to 2.55) and QoL improved accordingly (SF-36 physical component scale d = 0.33; mental component scale d = 0.54). The use of conventional treatment and health services decreased markedly: the number of patients using low back pain-related drugs was half of the baseline.
Juices of potato and celery are very healthy and can help you in cases of sciatica. If you combine these two juices and drinks daily in the amount of 10 oz, it would provide you with sciatica relief. You can even add carrots to it for strength and taste. Elderberry tea or juice is also very helpful and effective. It is known muscle relaxant and stimulant.
B1 and B complex vitamins, in combination with raw garlic or garlic supplements, are excellent remedies for pain relief in cases of back aches. B vitamins are very powerful antioxidants, and they provide the body with lots of energy. Natural sources of vitamin B are spinach, liver, bananas, green peas, pork and beef, nuts, rice, and soybeans.
Garlic milk is used very successfully in treatments of sciatica, in combination with two cloves of garlic with a cup of milk, twice per day. But in cases where you have any bleeding disorders, taking medications like anticoagulants or ulcers, you should avoid using garlic.
- Photo courtesy of Wallpaper Flare:
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