Tendonitis as a Phenomenon
The medical issue we are addressing here is called tendonitis, and it represents the inflammation of the tendons, which is the situation where the tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone gets inflamed. The parts of the body where it most frequently strikes are the shoulder, ankles, elbows, and knees.
This medical issue can bring the patient much pain, and what is more, prevent them from doing recreational activities that they usually do. Solutions that homeopathy can offer can be invaluable, so stand by for some precious info you or someone you know may someday need.
It is not hard to recognize the medical condition called tendonitis. What the patient may feel is an intense sensation of burning heat in the affected area, swelling, soreness, ache that occurs while moving the joint, or the sensation of cracking in the joint.

Most typically the condition known as tendonitis arises as a result of one repeated, specific motion, lifting of weighty objects, trauma to the area, or some other latent medical condition.
Homeopathy Can Help
Tendonitis is a rather serious problem, and it is usually recommended that the patient do something about it. Apart from massaging and physical therapy, we have homeopathic remedies at our disposal. The option of using homeopathy appears to some to be the cheapest and easiest to apply.
Options that Homeopathy Offers
A particular remedy that homeopathy provides is most frequently made as a cream. This way, the application is facilitated, and the beneficial contents are taken in through the skin, providing a speedy, efficient, and harmless solution.
The instances of tendonitis that are aggravated by temperature conditions can be helped by using Bryonia and Rhododendrons. E.g., tenderness in the area affected by tendonitis can be heightened by specific conditions regarding the temperature of the environment. For some people it means low, and for some high temperatures.
If the patient suffering from tendonitis reports increased pain in the morning, Phytolacca and Rhus Toxicodendron are the homeopathic remedies that can help.
- The first indication is ophthalmology: a visual fatigue aggravated by any eye effect, within the eyeball with a feeling of a “fireball”, a sensation of pain and heat, with itching predominantly in the inner corner, forcing the patient to rub their eyes, and watery eyes improved by heat and aggravated by cold.
- Léon Vannier advised it to be given in three dilutions 3, 6 and 30C. For Boericke, it should be given from the 1st to 6th dilution or in mother tincture as an eye lotion. For Dufliho, if there is damage to the periosteum, alternating with Arnica montana in 7 or 15C. He adds that this is the remedy of the osteopath who by putting back a vertebra eliminates the secondary pains. In chronic cases, a tennis elbow not responding to usual treatments, 15C.
- Relations with other homeopathic medicines: Antidote: Camphora; Complementary: Arnica montana, Symphytum officinale, Rhus toxicodendron; Towards improvement: Calcarea phosphoricum, Colchicum autumnale, Bryonia alba, Sulphur; Towards aggravation: Causticum, Acidum phosphoricum, Acidum sulphuricum.
Acupuncture as an Option
If you are into traditional Chinese solutions, you could try acupuncture. It is a method of healing that relies on puncturing specific areas of skin with needles, to release blocked energy and thus relieving pain. Some studies suggest that acupuncture really relieves the pain in some joints affected by tendonitis.
If you decide to opt for acupuncture, make sure to consult your physician. The list of side effects that one may expect contains tenderness, bruises, and bleeding.
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