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Dry drowning in adults

Dry drowning in adults

Dry Drowning in Adults Definition When water accumulates in the lungs is when dry drowning happens. In most cases, people suffer from dry drowning when they go for a swim...

Crease in earlobe

Crease in earlobe

Problem Not so Naive in Nature The occurrence of a crease in the ear lobe can be innocent in nature, but also quite serious. There is a tendency to relate...

Complications of venous leg ulcers

Complications of venous leg ulcers

What is a Leg Ulcer? It occurs on a patient’s leg, in the area under the knee or on the foot. It is a patch of injured skin, and it...

Colon cancer and ovarian cysts

Colon cancer and ovarian cysts

Ovarian Cysts Nowadays, one of the most frequent conditions affecting almost every woman is ovarian cysts. Women who are of childbearing age are at high risk to develop this condition...

Best medication for diverticulitis

Best medication for diverticulitis

Diverticulum is the term used for the occurrence of inflammation or infection in one or more diverticula. Diverticula are like sacs that often appear in the last part of the...

Possible complications after back surgery

Possible complications after back surgery

The back or spine surgery carries a risk of numerous postoperative complications. They can be classified according to different patterns. Mostly all the complications are divided into general complications, complications...

Is there a cure for Hidradenitis Suppurativa?

Is there a cure for Hidradenitis Suppurativa?

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a rare skin disorder when red or dark lesions appear on the skin. Commonly, it affects the groin, genitals, and armpits. It usually occurs in the areas...

Chronic hypothermia facts

Chronic hypothermia facts

Hypothermia is a medical condition in which the body’s mechanism which is in charge of regulating the temperature gets overwhelmed by a cold stressor. This medical condition can be classified...

How can suction cupping detoxify your body ?

How can suction cupping detoxify your body ?

Suction cupping or fire cupping is a massage technique that is very beneficial for overall health. One of its main effects is detoxification, and it also solves a wide spectrum...

Hormone therapy for liver cancer

Hormone therapy for liver cancer

Cancer can directly or indirectly arrive in the liver. Cancer that arises directly in the liver is known as primary liver cancer, while cancer that has spread from another site...