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About trapezius workouts

About trapezius workouts

The trapezius muscle, located in the shoulders, are the ones responsible for giving our backs the greatly desired ‘v-shape’. The ‘trap’ is made up of three sections; the upper section...

Diabetic foot pain symptoms

Diabetic foot pain symptoms

Patients suffering from diabetes eventually develop a whole range of diabetes-related complications. The damage to their body is a consequence of unregulated sugar blood levels. There are many organs and...

Childhood diabetes symptoms

Childhood diabetes symptoms

Diabetes is a disease of the endocrine system, affecting production of insulin in the body. Most of children affected by this disease suffer from type 1 diabetes. However, recent studies...

Chronic mouth ulcers

Chronic mouth ulcers

Ulcers in one's mouth are a sign of infections, inflammations, traumas or some other symptoms. Usually, having ulcers reoccurring in your mouth is a sign of some kind of underlying...

Side effects of penicillin antibiotics

Side effects of penicillin antibiotics

Penicillin antibiotics and the main characteristicsThis type of medications is a group of antibiotics that are also used in the treatment of a wide range of infections that are bacterial...

Cold sores on tongue

Cold sores on tongue

How many times did you wake up in the morning feeling something strange inside of your mouth? Is there something more annoying when the first thing that we experience upon...

Heart menopause related symptoms

Heart menopause related symptoms

There are a lot of people who suffer from heart problems and every woman experiences menopause during certain years. Not a lot of people know that there is a connection...

Back workout with dumbbells

Back workout with dumbbells

When working out your back it is essential to warm yourself up well. It is also important not to use heavy weights at the beginning. This will help you not...

Spine surgery recovery time

Spine surgery recovery time

Spine surgery can be extremely painful and can involve a prolonged recovery time. Thus, you will have to take this into account before you decide to commit to undergoing spinal...