Commonly, mouth ulcers appear on the inside of your mouth. Nevertheless, tongue and lips may be affected tool.
Common Causes of Mouth Ulcers
Mouth ulcers usually come and go. However, if these growths reoccur often, this might be a sign of certain conditions. Sometimes, hormonal changes may lead to the appearance of mouth ulcers. Moreover, these growths can be the signs of some kind of allergy, usually to food and other substances you may consume.
Canker sores are one possible manifestation of mouth ulcers. These are painful and cause a lot of discomfort, being aesthetically displeasing at the same time. Yet, these are not contagious and affect the soft tissues of the mouth and the gums, appearing as small, shallow lesions.
There are cases where a trauma to the mouth area can lead to an open wound, which is prone to infections and development of mouth ulcers. Wearing ill-fitting dentures can lead to such injuries and consequences. Preferring spicy food or chewing tobacco are both habits which are known to lead to mouth ulcers. Additionally, certain medications may trigger this condition. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies belong to the list of possible causes as well.
Some of the worst case scenarios behind mouth ulcers are candidiasis, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, Herpes Simplex virus, HIV or AIDS or lupus and other immune system conditions.
What Can Go Hand-in-Hand with Mouth Ulcers?
Commonly, people who suffer from mouth ulcers tend to experience dry mouth, loss of appetite or even cracks in the corners of the mouth. Lack of energy can be considered to be the usual companion of mouth ulcers, along with pus in the throat, skin rashes, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. On the other hand, if some kind of an underlying condition is triggering the mouth ulcers, the accompanying symptoms can become far severe involving abdominal pain, bleeding, diarrhea, depression, confusion and many other signs. Additionally, the mouth area may be prone to swelling and one's hands and feet may go numb or start tingling. Appetite and weight loss, along with stomach ulcers, fatigue and a sore tongue, add on to the list of possible symptoms going hand-in-hand with mouth ulcers.
- www.nhs.uk/conditions/mouth-ulcers/
- www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/mouth-ulcers
- Photo courtesy of ProjectManhattan by Wikimedia Commons: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mouth_ulcer.jpg
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