Giving Birth By Cesarean Section
Many mothers have their childrendelivered by means of the cesarean, or c-section. This reduces the riskof any possible birth complications which might endanger the newborn.However, this method is much harder for the mother as it involves asurgical procedure. Moreover, risks of complications are increasedsignificantly, as far as mother's health is concerned. After asuccessful delivery of this type, there are numerous means ofprecaution the mother needs to follow in order for her wounds to healcorrectly and to avoid development of any infections or diseases.Therefore, even though mothers, right after the labor, find greatcomfort in taking a hot bath, those enduring a c-section should beextra careful while doing this. Any illnesses contracted through thewound may get transferred to the baby through breastfeeding. Thus,the mother needs all to be extremely careful during the entire periodof c-section recovery.
More About Cesarean Section
As mentioned above, this is a seriousprocedure, involving cutting the skin tissue in order to deliver ababy. Thus, quite a large incision is made. This wound needs to healcorrectly and the first two days after the procedure are the mostrisky ones. Thereby, the mother is advised to rest and recuperateduring this period, being connected onto an intravenous source ofnutrients and antibiotics, as well as other types of medications.After this period, she may eat light and soft food, and the stitchesare either removed or they disappear on their own. Pain is normalduring recovery, and mothers should be very careful while moving andindulging in physical activity.
Bathing After a Cesarean Section
First and foremost, you should not takeshowers or expose the wound to water directly during the first 4 daysafter the c-section. Rather, others may help you bathe by usingsponges and avoiding the wound. After this period, standing up willbe almost impossible. Thus, you are advised to bathe in a bathtubfull of water, lying down and relaxing. Make sure you to not rinsethe wound with water, but gently pour it over. You may clean it withan antibacterial soap by carefully placing the foam over the woundand washing it afterwards. When wiping, pat the wound gently insteadof rubbing and use a clean towel every time you bathe.
However, taking into consideration thatbathtubs are not cleaned after each bathing, as well as the fact thatentering them is not that easy in your current state, maybe youshould avoid them for the first 6 weeks. This way, you will rule outthe risk of getting an infection, or infecting others if you arestill bleeding. Nevertheless, if you do take a bath, be very carefulabout all the things mentioned above, and apply prescribed ointmentsonto the wound afterwards. Also, make sure the water is not hot, butpleasantly warm and wipe yourself dry after finishing your bathing.This way you may enjoy relaxing baths without exposing yourself torisks.
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