How to warn your kids about the dangers of drugs
Drug addiction is one of the worst fears of many parents, and with reason. There is no doubt that illegal drugs are found in all layers of society, and that...
Why practice delayed cord clamping after birth?
Clamping and cutting the umbilical cord typically happens within moments of a baby's birth. Congratulations, it's a boy/girl, and here are some scissors so the new dad can cut that...
Medication for arthritis pain
Medications for Arthritis Pain Arthritis is the medical condition caused by inflammation of joints in your body. Usually, it also affects the surrounding tissue, such as muscles, ligaments, and bones...
Five reasons to read your kids bedtime stories
Reading books to young toddlers, preschoolers and beyond has many benefits for the whole family. If reading that bedtime story seems like just another chore on your daily list, read...
Does your toddler need speech therapy?
Does your child need speech therapy? According to researchers, simple tests are able to determine which children will have difficulty acquiring language and will need some extra help as early...
What will the first hours with your newborn be like?
Are you currently pregnant with your first baby? It's only natural that you are a little unsure of what to expect when you spend that first day with your baby...
Fertility after a vasectomy reversal
Vasectomy is considered a permanent contraceptive method, but an increasing number of men are choosing to have a vasectomy reversal. How successful are these operations, generally? What can men expect...
Is it dangerous to go overdue?
Women spend their whole pregnancy looking forward to the birth of their baby, and it's not really surprising that many start to get itchy when they get to about 38...
PUPPP relief and treatment
Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy, PUPPP, is a pregnancy rash that starts off in the stretch marks on a woman's abdomen. It usually starts in the period where...
Five reasons to buy at second-hand stores
From children's clothes to big ticket items like strollers, second-hand or thrift stores can have a lot to offer to parents. Why would you want to buy used items? Here...