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Five reasons to get into meal planning

Five reasons to get into meal planning

Are you not sure whether to give meal planning a go? There are plenty of reasons to plan your meals out in advance that have nothing to do with Obsessive...

Can tomatoes help prevent prostate cancer?

Can tomatoes help prevent prostate cancer?

The nutrient lycopene is what gives tomatoes their red color... but this nutrient may also be able slow down the growth of cancer cells, and even destroy them! Dr Midrula...

Dealing with anxiety attack disorder

Dealing with anxiety attack disorder

Mental health issues come in many forms and many of them under the name Anxiety disorders. One of the mental health issues included in this group are the anxiety attacks, which...

Are you affected by social contagion?

Are you affected by social contagion?

The Poison Called Society Society can be contagious with some of its traits, sticking onto you until you are completely overwhelmed. Namely, negative people, negative viewpoints and many other  can...

ZIFT: A lesser known assisted reproduction technique

ZIFT: A lesser known assisted reproduction technique

Mention fertility treatment, and most peoples' mind will jump straight to IVF these days. There is, of course, quite a wide range of assisted reproduction techniques around, ranging from intrauterine...