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Drug addiction is one of the worst fears of many parents, and with reason. There is no doubt that illegal drugs are found in all layers of society, and that they can both literally and metaphorically take lives away. So, how do you warn your kids about the dangers of drugs?

Kate was never an addict herself, but her partner and many of their circle of friends were addicted to heroin. When it came to preventing drug use in her own kids, education was the key for her. She shares: "Unfortunately, I grew up in a very drug-filled environment. I know and knew many people who were severe drug abusers. I smoked a little pot myself, but stayed away from the harder drugs. Sadly, I lost a few people in my direct surroundings to drugs, not only literally, but many went crazy and never made any useful contribution to society afterward."

As a mother, I tried to warn my kids by sharing the experience I had with drugs and explaining what can really happen to people who do them. I tried to create an atmosphere in which drugs were not a taboo subject and their effects could be discussed openly. By demystifying drugs, I encouraged my children to keep away from them. The stories about resuscitating your best mate after an overdose and then throwing him out in the street to prevent police questioning really made drugs unappealing. None of my kids have used drugs.

What if you don't have personal experiences to share? The internet offers plenty of information on individual illegal drugs, and what they do to body and mind. But it may be even better to take your children to a rehab center so they can witness the consequences of drug use themselves. Another option is finding an ex-addict who will give talks in schools about the dangers of drugs. Knowledge is power, and knowing what drugs really do is very likely to make your child say no to them.

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