Contact dermatitis duration
Contact dermatitis is a type of skin condition that results from direct contact with substances that are, for some reason, irritant for the skin. Those substances may be natural, for...
Dry skin face wash
Dry skin is a common problem and there are a lot of people who suffer from it. The most common parts of the body that are affected by dry skin...
Are cold sores and fever blisters contagious
Fever blisters and cold sores are most often seen during the cold and fever seasons and that is probably how the condition got the name. At the time when the...
About dermatitis dyshidrotic
Dyshidrotic eczema (dyshidrotic dermatitis) is a skin condition that only affects the hands or the feet. It is also known under the names hand eczema, vesicular eczema, vesicular palmoplantar eczema...
Dry skin feet treatment
There are a lot of people all over the world who suffer from dry feet. These people are looking for various ways to get rid of the problem. The good...
Basic and useful information on fever blisters
Fever blisters present a skin conditionwhich is triggered by a viral infection. The virus behind thisillness is Herpes simplex virus type 1, capable of beingtransferred from one person to another...
Contact dermatitis feet
If the skin comes into contact with a harmful external substance, it is possible that one might come down with a case of contact dermatitis. The majority of cases of...
Dry skin feet peeling
Cracked feet are pretty common and there are a lot of people who suffer from it. Even though the problem of cracked feet is not a serious one it is...
Dermatitis from sun
While many people may enjoy bathing in the warm sun rays, some people may develop an aversion towards this action, due to the fact that sun triggers rash on their...
Chronic guttate psoriasis
Psoriasis is a common skin condition affecting different parts of the skin which become red and inflamed. Majority of people suffering from psoriasis have certain parts of the skin covered...