While many people may enjoy bathing in the warm sun rays, some people may develop an aversion towards this action, due to the fact that sun triggers rash on their skin. Sun rash usually affects people with pale and sensitive skin, during spring and summer parts of the year. Such rash appears in the form of small, red blisters or larger spots on the surface of the exposed skin. A minute or two may be enough for one's skin to face the undesirable symptoms.
Facts about Sun Rash
Apart from the symptoms mentioned above, sun rash may manifest through extreme itchiness too. Speaking of risk groups who are more likely to suffer from this condition, we need to mention children and young women. When a person suffers from such rash, he/she can only stay safe during the winter. Moreover, the proneness to sun rash may follow a person deep into his/her 40s and 50s.
Since sun exposure, in general, can lead to skin cancer and premature aging of the skin, keeping yourself protected is highly recommended. During summer months, avoid leaving the house around noon or the early afternoon. When you do get out, make sure you are adequately protected by wearing sunscreen, appropriate clothing, a hat, sunglasses and other means of protection.
Treatment and Prevention
Since reasons behind this condition are still a mystery, you are advised to do your best in order to prevent sun rash. So far, the best treatment for this problem is using sun creams with a high protective factor, keeping you safe from all kinds of ultraviolet sun rays. Choose products which protect the skin from both, UVA and UVB rays, having a sun protection factor of at least 25. Later, once your skin gets used to the sun rays without any problems emerging, you may opt for lower sun protection factors. Also, if you are planning on going to the beach and bathe, make sure your skin protection cream is water-resistant.
Sometimes, your skin may become sensitive to sun rays due to the fact that you have been using harsh chemicals or skin products beforehand. In order to rule this out, pay your dermatologist a visit. He/she will examine you and give the best possible advice, as far as skin protection is concerned.
Alternatively, certain drugs you are taking may easily cause sun rash in your case. Thus, report these to your dermatologist. Painkillers, certain diuretics, tetracycline antibiotics and many other drugs have skin sensitivity as a side-effect, so be careful.
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