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Trying to conceive in your forties

Trying to conceive in your forties

As first time mothers are getting older, more and more women are trying to conceive in their forties. Being pregnant and over 40 is nothing new of course, and it...

How to conceive the gender of your choice

How to conceive the gender of your choice

Many couples have a preference for a specific gender. If you are among them, and would like to conceive either a girl or a boy, there are some pro-active steps...

Traditional vs gestational surrogacy

Traditional vs gestational surrogacy

In this day in age, there are many fertility options available, and surrogacy is no different. Once, surrogacy referred strictly to a woman who carried a baby biologically hers, conceived...

Trying to get pregnant fast

Trying to get pregnant fast

For couples trying to get pregnant fast, the key is to have sexual intercourse at the right time. Here are the basics every couple needs to know about trying to...

Conceiving a boy: natural ways to have a son

Conceiving a boy: natural ways to have a son

Just like there are many couples who aim to get pregnant with a girl, there are numerous people who are desperate to conceive a son. This follow-up piece will discuss...

New method of IUI

New method of IUI

Intrauterine insemination, also known as IUI, is the oldest and simplest method of assisted conception. A new variation of this method, intrauterine tuboperitoneal insemination, or IUTPI, offers an opportunity for...