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NLP techniques for the treatment of phobias

NLP techniques for the treatment of phobias

Phobias are unreasonable fears which are quite prominent in some people. Moreover, phobias can interfere in your life so strongly that your work and many other aspects of your life...

Therapy for bipolar disorder

Therapy for bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a serious medical condition also known as a manic-depressive disorder. This condition is considered a severe psychiatric ailment that falls in the realm of mood disorders. One...

Therapy for borderline personality disorder

Therapy for borderline personality disorder

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) affects the person in a way that he or she is unable to distinguish what is reality and what are his or her misconceptions about the...

Therapy for body dysmorphic disorder

Therapy for body dysmorphic disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder also known as dysmorphophobia is a psychological Somatoform disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied by the perceived defect in his or her physical features. In...

Learn to spot anxiety disorder symptoms

Learn to spot anxiety disorder symptoms

Anxiety is a common problem, but the importance of the anxiety disorder symptoms can be understood only when a person accepts the presence of this health problem. This may be...

Living with ADD - what to expect

Living with ADD - what to expect

A Brief IntroductionEven though the existence of ADD has never been firmly confirmed, and it is still more of a guess at a diagnosis than a real firm and solid...

Axes of personality disorders

Axes of personality disorders

OverviewThe tragic fact of today is that people very often suffer from different kinds of disorders. We are living in modern society that brings up very good things, but unfortunately...

Therapy for somatoform disorders

Therapy for somatoform disorders

Somatoform disorders are psychiatric rather than just physical conditions. This means that patients suffering from these disorders have some physical symptoms but the full extent of their medical condition may...

Understanding insomnia depression

Understanding insomnia depression

Depression and the lack of sleepEven though many people think that they are mostly in the category of just a small number of people who suffer from either insomnia or...