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Can artificial testicles cure male infertility?

Can artificial testicles cure male infertility?

Imagine an artificial testicle built to produce sperm that will help infertile men have children. Sounds like science fiction, doesn't it? But this is exactly what researchers from California are...

Causes of erectile dysfunction

Causes of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction refers to a man's inability to have an erection, something that can lead to great difficulty when a man would like to get his partner pregnant. There are...

Improve sperm motility and morphology

Improve sperm motility and morphology

The "motility" of sperm refers to the ability of the sperm to "swim" its way from the cervix to the uterus to fertilize the egg. The "morphology" of the sperm...

Enlarged prostate causes

Enlarged prostate causes

Prostate, Its Appearance and FunctionProstate is a wall-nut shaped male gland located below the bladder. This organ weights only few grams at birth and during life reaches approximately 20 grams...

Prostate cancer treatment side effects

Prostate cancer treatment side effects

Prostate cancer treatment side effects Prostate cancer treatment is a thing that is planned to the smallest details. However, no doctor can guarantee that he or she will destroy any...

Prostate infection symptoms

Prostate infection symptoms

Prostate glands and prostatitisProstatitis is the medical term for the infection of the prostate glands, which are right below the gallbladder in men. In the majority of cases, prostatitis affects...

Prostate gland anatomy

Prostate gland anatomy

The prostate is a compound tubuloalveolar exocrine gland of the male reproductive system. The prostate is found in most mammals but can be quite different anatomically, chemically and physiologically. In...