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Buy your diabetes glucose monitor kit carefully

Buy your diabetes glucose monitor kit carefully

As soon as many people get diagnosed with diabetes type I or II, their lives change significantly. Namely, suffering from diabetes requires one to know all about their disease, controlling...

Prevention of myxedema coma

Prevention of myxedema coma

Myxedema coma is one of the most serious complications of hypothyroidism, a thyroid disorder which leads to insufficient production of the thyroid hormones. Myxedema coma is a severe problem and...

Natural prevention of diabetes

Natural prevention of diabetes

DiabetesIt is really devastating how many people in the world suffer from diabetes, which refers to the abnormally high amounts of glucose in the blood. Apart from gestational diabetes, which...

What are lymphocele symptoms

What are lymphocele symptoms

In humans the lymph circulates through a well-organized and wide spread network of the lymph vessels. Lymph can be defined as interstitial fluid localized between the body cells. It is...

Vitamin C and your adrenal glands

Vitamin C and your adrenal glands

The adrenals – overviewAdrenal glands are known to abound in ascorbic acid (i.e. in vitamin C). Given the fact that the greatest majority of people is already familiar with the...

Gestational diabetes diet

Gestational diabetes diet

Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. Having gestational diabetes means that your body has trouble processing and producing insulin a hormone that you need to...

On a Journey to Healthy Pregnancy with Diabetes

On a Journey to Healthy Pregnancy with Diabetes

There are couple studies that link infertility with diabetes, but the proofs are vague and they do not conclude that diabetes causes infertility. However, but poor blood sugar control makes...

Endocrine cells in pancreas

Endocrine cells in pancreas

The pancreas is both endocrine and exocrine gland, located behind the stomach and in front of the spine. This organ looks like a 6 inches long pear and has three...

Acute pancreatitis symptoms

Acute pancreatitis symptoms

The pancreas is located in the upper part of the abdomen, behind the stomach, being a crucial organ in our body, responsible for proper digestion. Basically, the pancreas is a...