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Deer tick bite

Deer tick bite

Deer ticks are tiny parasitic arachnids that attach themselves onto a host, which can be a bird or a mammal, and feed on its blood. Deer ticks can bite...

Pineal gland disorders

Pineal gland disorders

What Is The Pineal Gland? The pineal gland is an endocrine (hormonal) gland situated at the center of the brain. This organ is also known as the “third eye”, “pineal...

Swollen armpit glands

Swollen armpit glands

What are lymph glands? When we say swollen glands, we think of enlarged lymph nodes. The lymph nodes or lymph glands are "filters" located throughout the body that play...

Low globulin facts

Low globulin facts

Proteins in the Body: What are globulins? The human body in home to many essential proteins, some of which make certain tissues and cells while others are distributed in the...

Low neutrophils and high lymphocytes

Low neutrophils and high lymphocytes

A low neutrophil count and a high lymphocyte count are both indicators of different diseases and disorders. It is important that people get to know what the neutrophils and lymphocytes are...

Swollen tonsils with no sore throat

Swollen tonsils with no sore throat

What causes a sore throat? A number of medical conditions are so common that almost every human being has to suffer from at least once in life, and some of...

Swollen glands under jaw

Swollen glands under jaw

The Lymphatic System in the Neck Area: What Do You Need to Know? The lymphatic system consists of numerous lymph glands spread out through every part of the body, like...

Elevated cortisol levels

Elevated cortisol levels

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland or, to be more precise, the cortex of the adrenal gland. In healthy individuals cortisol is produced more in the...

Swollen lymph nodes in neck on one side

Swollen lymph nodes in neck on one side

Swollen Lymph Nodes in the Neck on One Side Lymph Nodes: An Overview Lymph nodes are small glands that are part of the lymphatic system. They are located in...