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Reiki massage therapy

Reiki massage therapy

More about reiki massage therapyReiki therapy is actually a type of therapy in which a reiki practitioner absorbs the universal life force energy and channels it into the patient whose...

What is ferritin

What is ferritin

Information on Ferritin Ferritin is one of the proteins which can normally be found in most living organisms, even algae and bacteria. The main purpose of ferritin is to bind...

Forensic psychiatry jobs

Forensic psychiatry jobs

Forensic psychiatrists are expected to be trained in the field of medicine whilst also possessing some knowledge of legal issues and basic investigation techniques. It is a job associated with...

Chronic sinusitis facts

Chronic sinusitis facts

Sinusitis is medical condition characterized by inflammation and swelling of the nasal passages (known as sinuses and hence the name for this problem). This condition can be either acute or...

How to cure acute constipation

How to cure acute constipation

About constipationConstipation is one of the most common health complaints in the world. It affects almost everyone at some point in life. Constipation involves problems with bowel movement or stool...

Lumbar puncture side effects

Lumbar puncture side effects

The lumbar puncture procedure is used to collect samples of cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid surrounds the brain and the spinal cord. When it is taken for sampling, the fluid is...

About antacid combinations

About antacid combinations

Antacids are very commonly used medications and every person suffering from heartburn will tell you so. These drugs may also be recommended for someone experiencing acidity or acid reflux, because...

Homeopathic remedy for anxiety in children

Homeopathic remedy for anxiety in children

Anxiety is a completely normal feeling which every single person feels from time to time. Just the same, it is a normal feeling for children. But, unlike a temporary, and...

What are the benefits of camomile tea

What are the benefits of camomile tea

Information on Chamomile TeaChamomile tea is a beverage that has numerous health benefits and very potent antioxidant properties. It can be used for the treatment of ulcers and common cold...