Multiple personality disorder treatment
Often, the general perception of multiple personality disorder can be quite negative. People may distrust or be slightly afraid of those with the disorder; this is often a result of...

Chronic septic arthritis
Septic arthritis is a medical condition characterized by inflammation of joints caused by bacterium other than Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The infection of joints which develops due to the previously mentioned microorganism...

Acute cirrhosis treatment
OverviewThere is almost not a person in the world who has not heard about cirrhosis. Those who have not need to know that it can be fatal if it is...

Iodine poisoning symptoms
Excessive intake of iodine is the cause of iodine poisoning. This medical issue is especially detrimental for children. Iodine is normally found in some foods. Still, these foods do not...

Fitness trampolines: A fun filled way to exercise
While most of us connect trampoline with nothing more and nothing less than pure fun or, perhaps, competition, there are more purposes and usages behind this device. Namely, it can...

If you are family caregiver you should know this!
Caregivers are known to be selfless, kind people who desire nothing more than for the other person to stay healthy and well. Many times this takes a great toll on...

Benefits of carbohydrates
CarbohydratesCarbohydrates are a source of energy and are stored in glycogen (muscles and liver) from which they can be easily released, giving the energy to the body. This energy is...

Side effects of microgynon
Microgynon is a contraceptive pill which prevents egg maturation and change the density of cervical secretion, which disables fertilization. In addition to preventing unwanted pregnancy, Microgynon can be used to...

Side effects of doxycycline capsules
Doxycycline belongs to tetracycline group of antibiotics. It is highly efficient in treatment of numerous bacterial infections. This medication is used in the treatment of the following conditions: pneumonia, infections...

Male surgery for fertility
There are many surgical procedures available for helping men who are experiencing fertility problems. Today there are a number of microsurgical techniques that can help restore a man’s fertility. A...