Prevention of human papillomavirus
Human papillomavirus, also known as HPV, is a member of the papillomavirus family, mainly responsible for genital warts in humans. Most of the infections with human papillomavirus are completely asymptomatic...

Evening primrose oil for PMS
Evening primrose oil is derived from a wildflower which israther common in the United States. It can be purchased in its liquid form andit the form of capsules. One should...

When does morning sickness end?
Morning sickness is not a term to be understood literally. Namely, morning sickness, also referred to as nausea or vomiting of pregnancy or nausea gravidarum is a condition which can...

Elder care with dementia: Elder care decisions
Dementia is a condition which can be quite hard on the person who suffers from it, as well as the family which has to take care of the affected individuals...

Health care for elderly patients
Elderly people, bothered by many oftheir health problems, can find themselves in a situation whichrequires help from others. Dementia, terminal illnesses and manyother forms of impairments all may make it...

Family health - How common behaviors affect health
Most people do not think twice when it comes to actions such as alcohol consumption, drug abuse, smoking etc. Namely, they simply indulge into these nasty habits, either permanently or...

How is cervical mucus related with your fertility cycle
IntroductionCouples who are trying to make a baby are aware that the chances of becoming pregnant are higher on certain days, considered fertile days. Having sex on those days is...

Describing herpes: Secret cures for oral herpes
Herpes is a viral infection triggeredby the eponymous virus. It can affect either the area around theface, including the nose, the mouth, chin and cheeks etc., or appearin the genital...

Fertility: cycle wheel
Fertility is a natural capability of giving new life. In humans, this capability largely depends on various factors including timing, emotions, nutrition, sexual behavior, culture, hormones and the way of...

Understanding the body's fertility signals
IntroductionSome couples are lucky enough to get pregnant and have a child with almost no effort at all. However, many couples, who are otherwise healthy and do not have fertility...