Trying for a baby after the pill
The birth control pill is still the most popular contraceptive around, and many women who decide to try to conceive have to deal with stopping its use. Are you wondering...
Test could increase IVF success rates by 65 percent?
IVF success rates could improve dramatically with the help of a new test that examines the genetic material in embryos during the preimplantation stage. The test, developed by British company...
Working mothers: is it possible to continue breastfeeding?
Did you recently give birth, and started breastfeeding your baby? If your maternity leave is going to end soon, and you are planning on returning to work, you may wonder...
My baby fell off the bed: what now?
Newborns aren't capable of doing much with their body, which comes in quite handy when you need to put them down for a moment. Plenty of moms leave their baby...
Pelvic floor exercises and pregnancy
Pelvic floor exercises are good for many things, from preventing incontinence to speeding up postpartum recovery, and enjoying a better sex life. Why should you do pelvic floor exercises when...
Safe exercises during pregnancy
One of the most frequent questions pregnant women ask is what exercises are safe while they are expecting a baby. The answer, inevitably, varies. Some doctors are of the opinion...
Preparing your children for a move
Have you decided to move house, or are you just considering it? Moving is always a really stressful event, but children may experience it as being even more dramatic. So...
Checking your cervix to predict ovulation
Ovulation calendars, cervical mucus, charting to conceive, ovulation tests... These are all familiar ways to detect ovulation. But can you tell whether you are fertile just by examining the actual...
Is Implanon the right birth control method for you?
Implanon is a thin, matchstick like device that is implanted under the skin of a woman's upper arm. There, it emits hormones and prevents pregnancy for three years. Is Implanon...
Women have too much faith in contraceptives
If you are on the pill, or use condoms, you can't get pregnant or can you? According to a new study, many women think that contraceptives are more effective than...