Did you recently give birth, and started breastfeeding your baby? If your maternity leave is going to end soon, and you are planning on returning to work, you may wonder if it's logistically possible to continue breastfeeding. Here are some tips that may make it easier for you.
Most working mothers who spend time away from their babies worry if their milk supply will go down, or whether their milk will disappear altogether. If you have been exclusively breastfeeding until now, and your milk supply is good, there is probably a solution for you. Avoid supplementing with formula while you are at work, and try to pump instead. Most western countries have laws allowing working moms to pump their milk at work, and you may have the right to a private space to pump and a fridge to store the milk too.
Breastfeeding live
It would be even better if your baby's caregiver could bring your baby to you for breastfeeding at regular intervals (if you have a 15 minute break in the morning, followed by a longer lunch break, there might be an opportunity!). If not, you may be able to at least go home for your lunch break? If you will be using a commercial daycare facility, try to find one that is close to your work.
Ask about telecommunting
If your job could be done from your home, at least part of the time, do bring the possibility up with your employer. Don't assume that telecommuting is not an option. Make the deal attractive to your employer as well, and ensure that your performance wouldn't suffer if you did your job from home some of the time. Alternatively, you could look around for a permanent work-at-home job, or start your own business from home.
Work until your baby is born
If your maternity leave lasts a short amount of time, consider planning to work right up until you go into labor, giving you the chance to breastfeed your baby at home for longer.
- www.who.int/maternal_child_adolescent/topics/child/nutrition/hivif_qa/general/q13/en/
- www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/pdf/BF_guide_2.pdf
- Photo courtesy of UNICEF Ukraine by Wikimedia Commons: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mothers_from_conflict-affected_Eastern_Ukraine_on_Training_on_Breastfeeding_(17038489286).jpg
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