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How to Increase Semen Volume

How to Increase Semen Volume

Semen volume is an often overlooked parameter of male fertility. Increasing semen volume sometimes overcomes fertility problems that otherwise would be very difficult to treat. The primary determinant of semen...

Best ways to increase sperm count

Best ways to increase sperm count

Male fertility is not all about numbers after all, the number of sperm ultimately needed for conception of a child is one. Increasing sperm count, however, is one of the...

Most Common Surrogacy Arrangement Mistakes

Most Common Surrogacy Arrangement Mistakes

It is essential for intended parents to do a detailed research before bringing life changing decision. No matter the surrogacy, Gestational or Traditional, they should be very careful and in...

Improve sperm motility naturally

Improve sperm motility naturally

Sometimes sperm counts are normal but the sperm just can't "swim." It's possible to improve sperm motility naturally, and accommodating poor sperm motility by changing the composition of the cervical...

Cancer Treatment, Chemotherapy and Sperm Health

Cancer Treatment, Chemotherapy and Sperm Health

Most often we link chemotherapy and chemotherapy medications with cancer treatment. Chemotherapy is relatively invasive treatment with potential consequences because there is a possibility that chemotherapy medications could cause infertility...