Embyo/Endometrium communication holds key to IVF success?
How fertile are you? That might just depend on the definition of "fertile" some women are perfectly able to conceive, that is to have an egg fertilized, but the early...
Acupuncture as an infertility treatment?
We've all heard of acupuncture a treatment method that involves inserting really thin needles into strategic points of the skin. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat...
Warning: Anemia during pregnancy linked to autism
Iron deficiency is more common during pregnancy. Your blood volume goes up by 50 percent, and your baby and placenta also need additional iron. What's more, the body often doesn't...
Increase Fertility in Women
Medical treatments to increase fertility in women are expensive, time-consuming, and often heart-breaking, but sometimes what is needed is the addition of a carefully considered natural method to treat female...
Drinking alcohol in pregnancy yes or no?
Eighty percent of all pregnant women in Australia drink during pregnancy, a study that was published today in the Medical Journal of Australia claims. The study did not just look...
Woman Gives Birth In Her Late 50s
Recently a 58-year-old woman who has conceived with the help of IVF has given birth to a baby boy in Kerala. Both baby and mother are healthy and doing fine...
New test could double IVF success rate
Here's another piece of IVF news, which would make two very important developments in IVF treatments this week. Not only did a new study find that IVF increases the risk...
Using a sperm bank
There are many reasons different people choose to enlist the help of a sperm bank to conceive a baby. Male factor infertility is one of them, lesbian couples or single...
Online donor site for "beautiful people"?
The already controversial dating site BeautifulPeople.com for, as the name suggests, beautiful people only, is launching a fertility introduction forum where infertile and lesbian couples, and single women, can find...
DIY sperm count tests on the market next month
Could going to the doctor to get information about sperm count soon be a thing of the past? Yes, absolutely, thanks to the University of Virginia, which developed a handsome...