Therapy for major depression
Major depressive disorder is one of the many mental disorders characterized by extremely low mood and low self-esteem. Patients with major depression usually do not have any interest or pleasure...

Systematic desensitization facts
Systematic Desensitization FactsSystematic desensitization is a psycho-therapeutic treatment which deals with treating of phobias and other conditions in need of tuning down anxiety.It is a behavioural treatment, it allows for...

Fear of talking
Any kind of fear can be crippling, making one's life miserable, disallowing him/her to lead a normal life. We can fear many factors. Some of us are afraid of losing...

Cure autism now with a silver charm
Autism is a disorder which usually manifests during the first three years of life. It affects a child's ability to communicate with others normally and function in the society without...

Cigarette smoking: harmful effects on the body
SmokingThe 33% of the world's male population smokes and the people who are not fond of this activity are exposed to the secondhand smoke. For those who do not know...

What are the benefits of giving up alcohol
There are so many people who drink alcohol occasionally, but there are others who drink moderate amounts of alcohol regularly. Sometimes it takes a lot to get motivated to change...

Signs of internet addiction disorder
OverviewFor centuries, there are a lot of types of addictions. Addiction is actually very common thing. It can also be mention that human beings are addicted to a lot of...

Stress can kill - ten simple measures to calm yourself
The Harmful Effect of StressSince we are exposed to stress daily, we are facing life dangers throughout our existence because stress can be, and usually is, a serial killer. When...

Rhythmic movement disorder or walking in your sleep
What is RMD?Everyone's seen someone walk, or at least talk in the sleep. It is a curious thing that a person's activity during sleep – such as walking or talking...

Smoking bans - which product is best to cope with nicotine cravings?
The fact is that smoking is definitely not a healthy habit; on the contrary, it is one of those habits that slowly destroy the health of the person, making it...