Fluid around the heart
The medical term for the occurrence of fluid aroundthe heart is pericardial effusion and when the patient is diagnosed with thiscondition, it causes a lot of fear since it sounds...

Prevention of neonatal sepsis
Overreaction of the body to some infections is called sepsis. There are three stages of sepsis: uncomplicated, severe and septic shock. Uncomplicated sepsis is in general caused by some infection...

Endocrine pancreas function
The main purpose of the pancreas is producing the hormones related to regulating carbohydrate metabolism in our body. Also, the pancreas takes care of our insulin levels, balancing them and...

Eye health problems
Eyestrain is not a medical condition per se. Instead, it represents a health inconvenience caused by intense eye use. Eyestrain commonly occurs due to spending too much time in front...

Eye surgery in UK - reviews
For many people, wearing glasses can be an inconvenience. For others, it might be a self-perceived detriment to ones looks. Often, people feel embarrassed or awkward when they wear their...

Keratoprosthesis eye surgery
Keratoprosthesis is a surgical procedure performed in individuals in whom the cornea has been severely damaged and needs to be replaced with a new cornea. But unlike standard corneal transplantation...

Galactosemia - Genetic metabolic disorder
Basic Information about GalactosemiaGalactosemia is a kind of inherited disorder of the metabolic system that is characterized by a lack of enzyme that is supposed to break down a subtype...

Nutritional diet for prostate health
Prostate is a male gland and it is a very important part of the reproductive system. It Is sized and shaped almost exactly like a walnut and it is wrapped...

E coli in young children
E. coli is a certain bacterium which is known to live in the intestines of people and animals that are healthy. E. coli is actually Escherichia coli. There is more...

Eye disease and diabetes: Diabetic retinopathy and driving
Diabetes and Eye DiseaseOne of the most common negative health effects of diabetes are vision problems. Vision problems range from mild to severe and often affect those who have had...