Prostate is a male gland and it is a very important part of the reproductive system. It Is sized and shaped almost exactly like a walnut and it is wrapped around another important organ called the urethra. There are a large number of men who experience certain urinary problems once they reach their middle age, mainly due to an enlarged prostate. The prostate is characterized by a normal growth rate throughout a man’s lifetime, but once a man reaches 50 or so years, the prostate starts growing much faster. The main problem with prostate enlargement is that it puts additional pressure on the urethra which significantly impedes urination. This type of condition cannot be cured, but there are various ways of reducing the severity of symptoms. Contrary to the popular belief, prostate enlargement is in no way associated with prostate cancer nor can it increase the risk of prostate cancer development.
Dietary Supplements for Prostate Health
According to numerous scientific studies and researches, the risk of various prostate related medical problems is much higher in men who consume a lot of calories. The same can be said for all those who tend to consume significant amounts of proteins. Prostate problems may be alleviated and prevented by consuming plenty of onions, apples, tea, legumes, soy and other sources of plant based estrogens. Excessive growth of prostate can be prevented by consuming very little fat, no caffeine and plenty of saw palmetto. Those who already suffer from certain prostate related medical problems may make certain adjustments to their daily diets in order to reduce the dreadful symptoms. As is already mentioned, it is highly recommended to take saw palmetto in its supplemental form. For those who do not know, saw palmetto is a certain type of palm tree known for its beneficial berries which are highly effective in inhibiting the actions of testosterone. Saw palmetto is also botanically referred to as serona repens. One needs to avoid the consumption of beer, coffee, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products as much as possible, especially in the evening. The same can be said for all different types of refined carbohydrates such as white flour pasta and white bread, sweet foods and foods which are high in cholesterol and fat such as whole milk, beef, margarine and butter. The diet needs to contain much more zinc (which can be found in raw pumpkin seeds), omega 3 oils (which can be found in mackerel, sardines and salmon), green tea, soy, whole grains, vegetables and fruits.
Supplements for Enlarged Prostate
There are certain supplements which may be of great help to all those who suffer from an enlarged prostate. One of the most important among them all is vitamin E. A person should take no more than 400 milligrams of a natural mix of tocopherols on a regular daily basis. Another critical vitamin is vitamin D which can easily be obtained by spending a lot of time out in the sun. For those who are not able to afford such exposure, they need to ingest 800 International Units of vitamin D each day. In order to function properly, the prostate requires plenty of minerals. Ionic minerals which come in the form of liquids are very beneficial for the overall health of the prostate and they are the ones which are absorbed into the blood very easily. These minerals should always be accompanied by 20 to 40 milligrams of selenium and zinc on a regular daily basis. Soy isoflavones are also excellent for maintenance of good prostate health as they contain significant amounts of daidzein and genestein. The daily dose of soy isoflavones should not exceed 40 milligrams. Fish oil and flaxseed oil are very good for the prostate because they are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil may be considered as a better choice than flaxseed oil since it is much easier to digest. One should not take more than 2 grams of fish oil per day. It is highly advised to include 300 to 600 milligrams of beta-sitosterol in the daily diet as well.
Prostate Cancer Diet
People who suffer from prostate cancer need to pay extra attention to the choices they make and the food items they consume on a regular daily basis. One needs to ingest plenty of selenium. Vitamin E also needs to be taken it significant amounts. Regular oil needs to be replaced by olive oil or even avocado oil because they are much healthier. Flaxseed oil needs to be avoided as much as possible. It is highly recommended to consume plenty of ketchup, tomato paste, pizza sauce, fresh tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, leafy green vegetables, red grapes, green tea, mango, sweet peppers, cantaloupe, spinach, berries, citrus fruits, multivitamin supplements, folic acid, seeds, nuts, fresh herbs, colorful vegetables and fruits, fresh fish and so on. Salted foods, pickled foods, preserved foods, trans fatty acids, animal fat and high doses of zinc or calcium need to be avoided as much as possible.
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