There are not a lot of people in the world who are exactly sure of what Addison’s disease actually is. These people should know that it is an endocrine or hormonal disorder that can happen to any person. Both men and women are equally under a threat. There is also no rule when age is considered since it can affect both young and old. Some of the most recognizable characteristics of the disease are weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure and in some cases even darkening of the skin.
How does the disease occur?
People should know that a person will be affected by the disease when the adrenal glands do not create the proper amount of certain hormones. These hormones are cortisol and aldosterone but the cases with the latter hormone are pretty rare.
The causes
People need to know that there is no one reason why the body does not produce the right amount of cortisol. Some of the most common reasons why that may happen are because of a disorder of the adrenal glands or due to because of a secretion of ACTH by the pituitary gland that is not sufficient.
Primary adrenal insufficiency
According to the data, one person out of 100,000 is affected by this disease. In most cases a person suffers from Addison’s disease because of a gradual and steady destruction of the adrenal cortex, which is the outer layer of the adrenal glands. This destruction is caused by the immune system. Experts claim that over 70% of all cases of this disease occur due to autoimmune disorders. If a person’s adrenal cortex is destroyed, there is a 90% chance that he or she will suffer from adrenal insufficiency. If that happens, a person will lack certain hormones, like cortisol.
Treatment of Addison’s disease
The goal of the treatment for this disease is that the hormones that the adrenal glands are not producing be replaced or substituted. For instance, cortisol is replaced orally with the usage of Hydrocortisone tablets. A person simply needs to take these tablets once or twice in one day. A person who is suffering from Addison’s disease is in real danger if he or she also suffers from low blood pressure, low blood glucose or high levels of potassium. Surgery is also an option for patients who are chronically suffering from adrenal insufficiency. If a pregnant woman is affected by adrenal insufficiency, she will be treated with the same replacement therapy.
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