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Dry skin in corner of mouth

Dry skin in corner of mouth

Cracked corners of mouth are a pretty common problem among people, especially during the winter months. There are a lot of reasons why this problem may occur. Some of the...

Symptoms of lung cancer in women

Symptoms of lung cancer in women

Lung Cancer - DefinitionLung cancer is definitely one of the deadliest malignant diseases and is a huge problem affecting many people around the world both men and women. A long...

Porphyria symptoms and diagnosis

Porphyria symptoms and diagnosis

Porphyria is the term used for several conditions, all of which are characterized by excess accumulation of porphyrins or porphyrin precursors in the body. The condition is inherited and develops...

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy procedure

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy procedure

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a specific procedure based on inhaling pure oxygen. It is highly efficient treatment modality for certain illnesses such as decompression sickness or diabetes-associated gangrene. The pressure...

Prevention of dry skin

Prevention of dry skin

Dry skin affects both males and females equally, but older people tend to be more vulnerable to dry skin than younger individuals. This is a result of the reduction of...

Dry skin conditions on face

Dry skin conditions on face

Although many people complain about oily skin on the face, it is even more bothersome to have dry facial skin. It might be very difficult to deal with it every...

Facts about adenocarcinoma lung cancer

Facts about adenocarcinoma lung cancer

About Adenocarcinoma Lung CancerLung cancer is definitely one of the most common malignant diseases affecting adult individuals in the United States. This cancer is easily classified into small cell carcinoma...

Retinal detachment is a medical emergency!

Retinal detachment is a medical emergency!

Retinal detachment is an eye condition affecting the retina, a light sensitive tissue of the eye in charge of light reception and further transmission of light signals to the brain...

Visual field test for vision problems

Visual field test for vision problems

Visual field test is a type ofdiagnostic testing which determines how well one's entire scope ofvision is, including the central and the peripheral vision of aperson. This form of testing...