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Fingernail health facts

Fingernail health facts

Healthy fingernails should be pink, smooth and naturally curved without any abnormalities or discolorations. On the other hand, fingernails which contain uneven structures, curves which are abnormal, discolorations, dots, lines...

Prevention of fever blisters

Prevention of fever blisters

Fever blisters (cold sores) are skin, fluid-filled lesions that develop as a consequence of Herpes simplex virus type 1 infection. This is a common disease and because of that it...

Eye disease genetic

Eye disease genetic

Many eye problems are known to be caused by genetics. It is estimated that over 60% of all diagnosed cases of vision loss in children are provoked by inherited eye...

Best dry skin cure

Best dry skin cure

Winter can be a difficult time when it comes to those with dry skin. Cold, dry weather can be quite damaging to the skin, and skin might even become scaly...

How is Addison's disease manifested

How is Addison's disease manifested

Under normal circumstances the human body comprises two adrenal glands, both situated at the top of the kidneys. These glands are relatively small but play immense role in the body...

Pulmonary functional test: Lung capacity test

Pulmonary functional test: Lung capacity test

Lung Capacity TestThe lung capacity test measures the functionality of the lungs and diagnoses how much air the lungs can hold over a short period of time, how quickly the...

Brain aneurysm facts

Brain aneurysm facts

A brain aneurysm is a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by abnormal widening or bulging of a portion of a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain. This condition is...

Prevention of filariasis

Prevention of filariasis

Filariasis, to be more precise, lymphatic filariasis is a parasitic infection caused by thread-like filaria nematodes. These parasites enter one's lymphatic system (both lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes). Their presence...

Chronic dry hands

Chronic dry hands

Dry hands are more of a cosmetic issue than an actual heath concern, at least in the majority of cases. Still, this does not mean that they should be ignored...